Brother George Augillard

Alpha: February 18, 1940 – Omega: September 4, 2010
Brother George Augillard Jr., was initiated into the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. on January 22,1972, at Rho Phi Chapter, New Orleans, LA. Bro. Augillard held the offices of Dean of Pledgees and Keeper of Peace. He was a life member of Omega holding the number 935. Brother Augillard, the consummate worker, was very active in the chapter. He served on the Nominating, Dance, Picnic, Christmas Party, Memorial Service and Achievement Week committees. He also served on the Board of Directors of the Crescent City “Q” Club, Inc., the corporation that owns and operates the club house. He held the position of Chairman of the Board. Brother Augillard attended many District Meetings and Conclaves and brought his family with him.
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