Brother Vernell Brown

Alpha: October 20, 1967 – Omega: July 17, 2015
Bro. Vernell Brown Jr., was initiated into Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. through Rho Phi Chapter on December 7, 2013. He was called “Can’t Get Right” by his 4 line brothers who made up the “5 Sons of Chaos”. Bro. Vernell knew that being an Omega Man is a lifetime call to serve your community and he immediately joined several of the chapter’s Social Action Committees. He served on the Easter BasketChildren Storybook Bible, Real Men Read and Books for Bikes committees and chaired our Domestic Violence committee. Bro. Vernell was always available to volunteer his time and “frat truck” for chapter activities when he wasn’t on duty protecting the citizens of New Orleans. An example of his dedication occurred in December, 2014 when the chapter hosted the Books for Bikes program, which was held at Joseph Craig Elementary School. Bro. Vernell, after completing his shift at the 6th District police station, drove through rush hour traffic to meet Rho Phi brothers at Walmart to load the newly purchased bicycles onto his truck, drove to the school, participated in the event and then went home at the conclusion. Although Bro. Vernell was a member of our chapter for only a few years, his dedication and service to the fraternity and community will be remembered forever.
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