Brother John Green

Alpha: November 8, 1926 – Omega: July 30, 2013
Brother John M. Green was initiated into the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., on April 22, 1952 through Xi Sigma Chapter, at Xavier University. He served the chapter as the Dean of Pledgees. Brother Green worked hard for Omega in Rho Phi chapter. His service to Rho Phi was lengthy and fruitful. Bro. Green served on many committees, including the Achievement Week Committee and the By-Laws committee.
Another contribution to Rho Phi was the surprise birthday party Brother Green had each year in November at the fraternity house. His wife Ada would say, “no, chickens will cross the door sill tonight.” His menu consisted of Honey baked ham, potato salad, green salad, stuffed eggs, barbecue ribs, Double D sausage, and the main dish, eggplant casserole. His birthday cake always had purple and yellow icing with the Omega symbols on top. As much as possible, Brother John attended the national conventions. Although he had to rely heavily on his walking cane and walker, he never allowed this to interfere with his working the gate with his Brothers for Jazz Fest or attending the programs sponsored by the fraternity. Brother Green was interested in the young brothers of the chapter. He wanted them to live up to the standards set by the founding Fathers and remember that they were men of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Yes, he was quiet, but his demeanor was always a lesson in manhood.
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