Bro. Henry Williams

Alpha: May 23, 1925 – Omega: January 28, 2025
Bro. Henry Williams’ Omega Story
Bro. Henry Williams was Initiated into the fraternity on November 17,1947 (Theta Sigma Chapter), Dillard University. Bro. Williams was active in the chapter serving as Vice Basileus in 1948. He also served as the Pledge Club and Smoker Chairman and Chapter Reporter.
After graduating from Dillard University, Bro. Williams joined Rho Phi Chapter in 1950. He was a Life Member, Number 2125 and served as Basileus twice (1971-1972 and 1984-1985). He also served as Chairman of the Achievement Week Committee for 5 years. He also was Chairman of the Talent Hunt Committee for 3 years, Chairman of the Health Committee, Project Leader of the Senior Citizens Committee, Secretary of the Crescent City Ques Board, Vice Chairman of Membership rehabilitation for 2 years and Chapter Song Leader. Bro. Williams dedication to the fraternity and Rho Phi Chapter was rewarded as he was named as the chapter’s Omega Man of the Year in 1982 and 1997. Bro. Williams received his 70 year pin in 2017.
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