Brother Cleveland Harris
Alpha: September 14, 1927 – Omega: October 1, 2010
Brother Dr. Cleveland J. Harris, Sr., was initiated into the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. on November 1, 1951, at Beta Sigma Chapter, on the campus of Southern University in Baton Rouge, LA. After leaving Southern he joined Rho Phi Graduate Chapter in his hometown of New Orleans. He was a life member of the fraternity, holding life member number 299. Bro. Harris, didn’t hold any elective offices in the two chapters, but he was an integral part of both. He worked tirelessly, on many standing committees. He served on the Achievement Week, Memorial Service, Talent Hunt, Scholarship, Annual Spring Dance, Thanksgiving Basket and Christmas Party committees. He was the advisor to the chapter and individual Brothers when it came to investing in ventures, that would grow our respective wealth. Brother Harris and his wife Amy, looked forward to the annual bus rides to the Ninth District meetings, and the trips to the conclaves.
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