Brother Anthony Favre

Alpha: July 11, 1941 – Omega: November 23, 2022
Bro. Dr. Anthony C. Favre, a retired college administrator was a native of New Orleans and graduated from Walter L. Cohen High School, California State University Long Beach, Eastern Kentucky University and University of Northern Iowa. Dr. Favre was a retired Industrial Technology educator, chairing programs at Southern University at New Orleans, Mississippi Valley State University and Cal State University, Dominguez Hills. Prior to his academic career, he worked as an Engineer at IBM in Lexington, KY. Bro. Favre was initiated into the fraternity on November 11, 1983 at Psi Delta chapter, located on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He was a life member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., serving as a past Basileus and on many committees while an active member of Rho Phi Chapter.
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